
LBS Premier League


College festivals are one of the first arenas for students where they are put together from various streams and asked to manage a large event. This taste of a real-world experience can build a variety of skills and be the prefect tool for practical learning. These golden words can be related to a student’s journey, starting their admission in college and emerging as a high-spirited leader. Across the stretch of the country, the culture of celebrating college festivals is widespread.

LBS Sales Corner

Welcome to The LBS Sales Corner is founded with the aim of the promotion of the religious, social, educational and cultural exchange between the people across the Globe.

LBS Rojgar Mela

Employing strategy is a vague term that can refer to different practices and plans. It can mean effective practices and strategies that lead to competitive, integrated employment for individuals with disabilities. It can also mean a plan of action to help you successfully identify, attract and hire the best candidates for your open roles. Depending on the context and the goal, employing strategy can involve various methods, such as posting on job boards, using a recruiting agency, or creating an employee referral program.

LBS Instructional Model

An instructional model is a framework used to define the activities that guide the development of eLearning projects.2 It provides guidelines to organize appropriate pedagogical scenarios to achieve instructional goals. Instructional design is the practice of creating instructional experiences to facilitate learning most effectively. It is more than a process; it represents a framework of thinking.

Digital LBS

Acmes Media is a leading digital agency providing professional web design, development, mobile app, digital marketing, IT and Printing services in Ibadan, Nigeria. We are Graphic Design Agency, Web Design agency in Ibadan, Nigeria. We specialize in web design, branding, graphic design and Printing services.

Culturally & Partiotically Rich

Cultural patriotism is the feeling of love, devotion, and sense of attachment to one’s country that encompasses a set of concepts closely related to nationalism, mostly civic nationalism and sometimes cultural nationalism. It is often an integral aspect of patriotism. Many patriotic people take pride in sharing a distinct, common culture, believing it to be central to their national identity and unity. Many are devoted to the preservation of their traditional culture and encourage cultural assimilation.

Play Sports

Sports are always a popular activity among college students. Whether you play indoors or outdoors,there’s something for everyone.